I just wanted to share with you my follow on experiences and express appreciation for your recent visit /class to Portland.
My new favorite is the ‘tibia/langer’ line-ish release. I have been using it in some form or another on almost every client, with the most interesting results.
It has improved one client’s circulation issues, particularly in her legs.
Another cleared her psoas and low back.
I also realized that dropping into the bone and periosteum is something I do often. Now I am doing it on purpose – in sternum, ribs, etc.. It’s been quite an adventure.
I have a client with chronic asthma, and recently diagnosed with a lung infection. Post session, I had her sit up and worked her knees/lower legs as we did in class- P5 style. Much to her surprise and mine, when I got to her left leg (the side that is more ‘stuck’ in her upper thoracics), her lungs cleared in the most profound way. “Powerful” was the word used by client over and over. You just never know, is what I affirmed.
and yet, another, was able to access a jaw unwinding with the piriformis attention/ release.
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