A Unique and Comprehensive Training Program
Call Us: 970-209-9400

Denver Class Registration

  • Denver Class
  • Denver Full Week
  • Residential Full Week
  • Special Classes/Events
  • Note: Special Classes may/may not be held in Denver,CO


The Rocky Mountain Ortho-Bionomy Center offers a beautifully structured training experience which provides a level of depth, support, continuity, and quality that is unique and superior in my experience. The training is paced to give students a depth of class room experience and then breaks to process and practice between modules. This way students return ready to absorb more and with practical questions and experience to bring to the class room. The end result will be a level of training and skill that is exceptional. Students can expect a transformational experience and preparation to excel professionally. 

Upcoming Classes in Denver

The following is a list of classes scheduled in Denver for RMOBC. The upcoming Denver classes are listed in order of the schedule. Browse through this list or use the calendar above to see the classes. You can then click on any class and register for it, or add it to your cart if you’d like to register for multiple classes. For each week of classes,there is also as a “Full Week” registration available that will include the full week of classes.

During registration you will be asked to select to pay the full amount, or the deposit only amount (the remainder due before the start of the class). Select which options you you would like to pay now,  then enter attendee information for each class you are registered for. You will then be directed to our PayPal payment page where you can pay with a credit card or your PayPal account.


Week 9 - Denver

Week 9 : January 20-24, 2025

1/20&21:   Monday & Tuesday
Phase 4 Review: This class helps each student review and hone their skills in the foundational skills of Phase 4.  It is a solid class that allows the student to build their confidence and add clarity to their skills.

1/22:   Wednesday
Study Group 6

1/23&24:   Thursday & Friday
Cranial (with Reflexes):  This is the only cranial class that has the OB Reflexes included in it’s information and teaching.  It is a well-rounded Cranial class that includes fascia, sutures, cranial bones and brain techniques and relationships

Price: $875.00

Date: January 20, 2025

Available Spaces: Unlimited

Phase 4 Review

Phase 4 Review: This class helps each student review and hone their skills in the foundational skills of Phase 4.  It is a solid class that allows the student to build their confidence and add clarity to their skills.

Price: $375.00

Date: January 20, 2025

Available Spaces: Unlimited

Study Group 6

Study Group 6

Price: $125.00

Date: January 22, 2025

Available Spaces: Unlimited

Cranial with Reflexes

Cranial (with Reflexes):  This is the only cranial class that has the OB Reflexes included in it’s information and teaching.  It is a well-rounded Cranial class that includes fascia, sutures, cranial bones and brain techniques and relationships.

Price: $375.00

Date: January 23, 2025

Available Spaces: Unlimited

Foundational Class

Price: $300.00

Date: February 22, 2025

Available Spaces: Unlimited

2530 N. 8th Street, Suite 206
Grand Junction, CO
Phone: (970) 209-9400
Website: http://rmobcenter.com
Email: rmobcenter@gmail.com Society: http://www.ortho-bionomy.org/